Last Sunday GSD held an Obedience compeition. I entered Jazz & Angel into Novice, Angel hasn't done any Obedience for ages so i wasn't expecting her to do very well (She proved me right lol). She broke her down stay by standing up and growling at someone who walked in the door - Bad Dog !! Luckly she didn't disturb Jazz... But she done a nice retrieve and recall, So i was pleased with her :] !!
Jazz was a completer star (again)... She done a lovely round of heelwork and her recall was lovely. Her retrieve wasn't as good, but thats just something i need to work on.
Angel didn't get placed but Jazz came... 1st !! What a clever girly she is :].
She has been making me very proud in the last couple of weeks.
Here is a Video i put together of some photo's of Jazz with at Crufts and her winnings from the Obedience compeition...
New Year and New Hopes
7 years ago