Friday, 27 June 2008

My clumsy dog's ..

I took Angel & Jazz training today at a friends sandschool.

I was working on very fun excercises with Jazz as she gets fed up very quickly! I also done some fun little excercises with Angel.

I put this little video together because both Angel & Jazz were being really clumsy lol! Poor Angel took a big tumble (But she is fine, she was wagging her little tail afterwards)

I think i chose an appropriate song for this video haha ..


Anonymous said...

aww x poor things ! x it ws a reli gd round dey did lol xx
cya soon bye xx
courtney x

Anonymous said...

hahahaa thats so funny,poor dogs,jazz is getting really fast...

Anonymous said...

ouch angel's looks harsh! glad she's fine :)

gyps is 8 :D


Sophie said...

jazz is going to be soo gd at agility, u trained her well, she listens to u too, unlike my dog she thinks she knows everything but she dnt lol, bet u cnt wait till she starts she will win hands down lol :)

Sophie said...

aww both of thm fell over. angel did a rolly polly lol awww