Monday 5 January 2009

Jazz's Comeback 2009

Shes back! @ 19months

Jazz has now started back at her Agility training, I AM SOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!

Things are looking extremely good at the moment. She is confident, happy and very focused. It has taken alot of work to get her were she is now but it's deffiantly worth it.

The last time she done agility must have been around 5 months ago (It feels more like 5 years ago)

I couldn't keep up with her today, she is now 'Miss Speedy Pants'! Her contacts are running (She got her contacts every time, it was 100%) So im thinking about just leaving them running, instead of using tragets.

I don't want to make her training to strict for example perfect waits and perfect contacts etc... I will work on all that later on in her training as for now all i want is for to enjoy herself and run like the wind!

Here she is training today...

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